Wrapped in Love


Thank and you are two very simple words. We are taught from a very young age that it is polite to say "thank you" when someone does something for you.  We say "thank you" to someone who opens a door for us, or a simple "thanks" to someone who holds the door and allows us to pass first.

Recently, I was asked to do something that made me stop and think about when I felt "wrapped in God's love" during the time period that we were going through Morgan's car accident, her injuries, the long hospital stay, and ultimately, God taking her home to be with him.

As I thought about this and pondered the idea of being wrapped in God's love, I was truly overwhelmed.  First, from the very moment that word spread about Morgan's accident, and the Facebook page "Pray for Morgan Rae" became active, I was truly amazed at the number of followers and people posting.  I felt wrapped in God's love.

Her accident was on a Thursday.  Thursday, December 11, 2014.  On Friday, December 12th, the very next day, a prayer vigil was held at the church. So many people were in attendance that night.  Pens and paper had been made available for people to write letters, or whatever they wanted to me, Kevin, Mason and/or Morgan.  So many letters!  I would spend hours reading them to Morgan.  The love and spirit of God that exuded from those written words was just comforting.  I felt wrapped in God's love.

People coming to the hospital almost every single day.  The elders and people on the church board who came on Christmas Eve to lay hands on and pray for Morgan.  They took time away from their own families.... on Christmas Eve!  So many phone calls, messages, visitors.  I ALWAYS felt wrapped in God's love.

I... We could never begin to express our gratitude to everyone who called, sent messages, prayed, visited, and two very simple words like THANK YOU simply does not feel like enough.  But after this request from a friend; after sitting thinking on these things again, after eight years, I feel like it's important for me to try.

All of you - my friends, my family, my church family - you will never know what a difference you made in my life.  If there was another, more impactful way to say "THANK YOU," I would do it.  From the bottom of my heart, every single message, phone call, visit, prayer that was made on our behalf was time well spent (in my opinion). I love you, each and every one of you, for all of them.

THANK YOU!  Please accept my deepest gratitude. Everything you have done for us has been such a blessing! It means the world to me.


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