Morgan.  Morgan Rae McAlexander.  3/9/98-7/3/15.  She lived 17 years, 3 months and 24 days.  People say it’s not the dates on your tombstone that matter but what you accomplished during the dash.  Let me tell you that our precious Morgan accomplished a mighty lot during her dash.  She was not necessarily an angel from the day she was born.  She tested boundaries.  She was FULL of energy, spirited, a social butterfly, a spit-fire!  But she loved the Lord, and as she got older her heart reflected her love.  When she was still just a tot, I told her that she would do great things for the Lord.  She had a spiritual gift of prayer – always my little prayer warrior, wanting to pray for those who were hurting, sick, in need.  She always had a heart for Jesus and she took it very personal that he died on the cross for Morgan.  Not that he died on the cross for the world, but for Morgan!  It was definitely personal for her.  Shouldn’t it be personal for all of us??  I think about that all the time.  We went to the Passion Play when Morgan was about 3 years old, and when she saw Jesus standing there as the stone was rolled away she shrieked, “He’s ALIVE!”  Yes!  He is alive!  And we should all remember that he is alive and he did that for ME.  Our precious Morgan had a car accident on Thursday, December 11, 2014 around 4:20 p.m. in the afternoon.  It was a very bad car accident that left Morgan with a traumatic brain injury.  A very severe brain injury that covered her brain.  It wasn’t isolated to a specific area of her brain, and the doctors told us there was no hope for recovery. She was young and she was an athlete, these were things that she had going in her favor.  A portion of her skull was removed to help the brain swell and my baby girl was in PICU at Children’s Hospital, in a coma, for weeks.  That’s where we celebrated Mason's 20th birthday that year- in the hospital cafeteria. 😔 And that's where we spent Christmas 2014.  We prayed for a Christmas miracle that we didn’t get.  We prayed, and prayed, and prayed.  I prayed and had enough faith for every single patient and family that filled that PICU.  I knew that God could and would heal our Morgan….


  1. I am beyond moved by this testimony. I had my daughter when I was five and a half months pregnant. We also had my second childs first birthday in the hospital cafeteria. Everyone knew us as a family that never stopped praying. God has worked a mirical in our lives. We prayed that his will be done. I hope you all find Cort knowing she is with our father up on heaven. I am going to pray for you all.


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