The Truth of Life

 Do I have the answers to this life? Mostly no.  But the truth of this life is that death follows.  Of that truth I am too well aware.  We just made a trip to El Paso, TX to say goodbye to my very dear Aunt Brenda, who lost her long-fought battle to Alzheimer's disease.  She was married to my uncle Joe for 64 years!!  They had a beautiful marriage, a beautiful life, one that should be envied by every married couple.  So full of love and cherished memories.

She loved Jesus Christ, our hope in an eternal future with Jesus and with our loved ones who have walked the same path.  I know I will see her again. Praise the Lord!

That leads me into another truth about this life.  God is not mostly concerned about us being happy.  Hold on, don't get upset about that.  Does God want us to be happy?  Yes, of course he does.  But happiness is fleeting.  Happiness is a feeling that comes and goes with circumstances and moods.  Circumstances and moods that are influenced by the evil world that surrounds us, most times.  What God is mostly concerned about is our inner joy.  That is a joy that only He can provide.

If profound loss and sorrow is not something I have experienced in my own life, I would tell you that it is just not possible.  Honestly, for a few years after our precious Morgan left this life, I would still tell you that inner joy is just not possible after sustaining that kind of loss and sorrow.  But I am here, 8 years later, telling you that it is possible.  With God all things are possible.  

The book of Hebrews tells us, "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living.  It's our handle on what we can't see.  The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd." [Hebrews 11:1-2, The Message]

I have people tell me they don't know how I do it; that I am the strongest person they know; that I inspire them; but all these things make me feel unworthy. I am unworthy! I am unworthy of these words, of this "praise," so to speak.  Only God is worthy of these words, of this high praise.  I know my Uncle Joe is sad, is lost and grieving the absence of the love of his life.  Just as I grieve the absence of my baby girl.  And even though it is so hard to navigate life without our loved ones in our lives here on earth, it would be so much more difficult to navigate this life without the love of my Heavenly Father.  This is the truth I know about this life. God our Father gave his only Son, so that you and I could have this gift!  This gift of Salvation; this promise of eternal life with him!  Do not waste that gift on pride, or envy, or addiction, or whatever is standing in your way.  There is life, abundant life, waiting for you.  The truth is that He is waiting for you; waiting for you to just ask for the gift.

I love my followers so much. You all make me feel like I have another family on the other side of this screen,  I want you all to know that while I may be sad sometimes (a lot), and while I will always grieve the loss of my child and my friend, I have Joy Unspeakable in the arms of my Heavenly Father.

My Beloved Aunt Brenda


  1. I love this Carla! It is so very true. Only with God are these things possible. Love you friend❣️😊


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