Time is Free- But it is Priceless!

Hello my friends!!!!

I have not posted to my Blog in quite some time.  Yes, life gets busy.  I volunteer as a CASA and if you do not know what that is, you need to find out.  I'm not going into here, but you need to look it up, read about it, volunteer if you can!  It's an amazing opportunity and benefits a lot of children.  Enough about that.

I volunteer at church, in toddlers on Sunday, in Children's Church and I do quizzing with our bigger kids.  You know that a church - especially kids ministry - cannot survive and thrive without volunteers, right?  No, I'm not getting on my soapbox about that, but I could. LOL

I'm a grandma.... No, Mason doesn't have any kids.  This, I understand needs to be explained.  I said something about seeing my grandson play ball one day and I got the weirdest look.  No, I do not have biological grandkids, but I have three that have been adopted into our hearts by love - lots of love!!!  They call us "Big Mac" and "KK"!!!!  Yes, my name starts with a "C" but that's a long story!  Short version, I couldn't be called CiCi and one day, out of the blue, Jonah and Elijah decided I was "KK" and you can't argue with the kids that love you best.... Or, I can't! haha!  And in the last 7 months, they've added my precious Abby to the mix, so yes! I have three "grandkids."  Explanation over.  No more weird looks, please... :)

I also help my best friend with her Facebook business.  I'm not telling you all this to pat myself on the back and say "ooooo, look how busy I am."  I AM saying, YES!  Life is busy and we all know.  Especially now that school is back in session, sports are starting up again and things just get crazy.  Am I right?  What's important to you?  Oh.... wait.  Did you miss the question?


What will your kids remember in two years? 10 years? 20 years?  I'm not here to offer advice.  I am not trained to offer advice.  I am just posing a question to you.  I hope you will think about it, and figure out what is important to you.  Are your priorities where they need to be?

I don't know why this popped into my head and made it's way onto the page of my Blog, but I'm betting someone needed to read it.  I doubt seriously that God gives me any idea, or burdens me with anything that is not important. I love you all and I'm just here to be a blessing! :) <3






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