
 A few weeks ago in children's church, our key question was "what do you focus on?"  We were trying to teach the kids to focus on the good things in life and not the negative.  And, of course for the month of November, our focus is Thanksgiving and giving thanks to God for all of our blessings.

What do I focus on?  Well, I was talking to my sister a couple of weeks ago, basically having a melt down and telling her how easy it is to focus on all the negative things in my life.  That particular day, I was having trouble focusing on the positive.  It had been a dreadful week.  A dreadful month, if I wanted to be completely negative about it.  I had a lot to be negative about, if I wanted to let myself be.  And believe me, I was letting myself be just that!   Negative. Pitiful. Dreadful.  Sorrowful.  I was having a big ol' pity party.  Sometimes it is easy to let the negative outweigh the positive.  The sadness and hurt can be powerful if you let it.  However, that's not who God wants us to be.  He wants us to be joyful, thankful and to focus on the positive blessings that he has bestowed up us.

I am surrounded by a loving, supportive family.  My husband and I have a beautiful marriage, focused on making God the center of everything we do, and we have weathered storms together that some married couples couldn't fathom.  I know that he loves me unconditionally and will always be by my side.  That is such a blessing.  Yes, our daughter had a horrible, tragic car accident that ultimately took her to heaven.  We had the privilege of being her parents for 17 wonderful years.  The accident didn't take her away immediately and we got to spend seven months with her to say goodbye.  We also have the blessing that every parent wants - knowing that our child loved the Lord with all of her heart and soul and she is now in her forever home with Jesus her Savior.  Is there any greater blessing?

We have an amazing son, who is intelligent, kind and independent.  Yes, I could focus on the fact that his job is moving him away to Dallas which is hard for a momma who loves having him close.  Or, I can focus on the fact that this is such a great opportunity for him.  He is such a hard, ethical, determined worker.  He is an asset to that company, or they wouldn't take this chance on him.  That makes this momma so proud and he deserves it!!!

It is very easy sometimes to list all the bad things this life throws at you and focus on the negative.  I challenge myself and all of you to do what's more difficult.  Focus more on all the blessings you have surrounding you.

When upon life's billows your are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Count your Blessings, name them one by one,
Count your Blessings, see what God has done!
Count your Blessing, name them one by one,
Count your many Blessings, see what God has done!


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