Don't Cry for Me

I'm kind of homesick....  for a country, to which I've never been before.
No sad goodbyes will there be spoken.  Time - it won't matter anymore.

Beulah Land, I'm longing for you. And some day, on thee I'll stand.
There my home, shall be eternal. Beulah land, sweet Beulah land.

I've been thinking about this song lately.  Kevin's cousin passed away.  He was a "young" 50, just two years older than Kevin and myself.  Shocking really.  None of us were prepared to hear that news.  Kevin was talking to some of the other pallbearers about your time on earth not being guaranteed.  You never know when your time will be over, but it's the quality of the time you have here that counts.

The kind man that preached the funeral spoke very frankly about good deeds and how being good and doing good is great, but that isn't what counts in the end.  He spoke about knowing the Savior and that's the only way to Heaven.  Yes, doing good is good.  Loving each other, being kind to each other, helping your neighbor - all that is very good.  But paramount to all those things is knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior and asking him to live in your heart and guide your life.

I was thinking about Kevin's cousin, entering Heaven.  How glorious for him! Yes, I hurt for his mother, his brothers, his wife, his daughters and grandkids.  They love him and they miss him, and they grieve for the loss of such a good and kind man.  And we hurt and cry for them.  But I don't cry for him.  How splendidly glorious for him!  To enter the gates of Heaven and see Jesus!  To see loved ones who have gone before him.  To meet Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Joseph and Moses.  Noah - who had so much faith to build an Ark when nobody on earth had even heard of rain!  

I find myself thinking more and more of these things.  Beulah Land, I'm LONGING for you.  Sure, none of want to think about dying, or when and how that will happen.  But the end of this life is inevitable.  The end of this life means the beginning of eternity.  The beginning of something beautiful and amazing..... for some.  Will it be splendidly glorious for you?  Will you look across the river in faith and take your heavenly flight?  Are you longing for Beulah land?  I am.  When I die, do not cry for me.  I will be reunited with my Creator, and with so many loved ones who have crossed the Jordan before me.  What a day that will be!!!

What a day that will be
When my Jesus I shall see
When I look upon His face
The One who saved me by His grace
When He takes me by the hand
And leads me to the Promised Land
What a day, glorious day that will be

When I die, do not cry for me!  What a day, glorious day that will be!!!


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