Unwritten Letters

 To the son-in-law I will never get to meet.

Honestly, I don't know if you even exist.  I know that God has that special someone picked out for each and every one of us, and I believed he had that someone for Morgan.  But then, she left us.  So early.  So young.  And since I believe that God is sovereign, and he knew the day and hour that she would be called to her heavenly home, was there?  Did he have that perfect someone planned for Morgan?  She wasn't destined to fall in love with the love of her life.  To be married, have kids, be a mother.  So I have to contemplate the question if you even exist.  Right?

I know you existed in her heart.  I know she prayed for you.  I know she believed that God hand picked someone special for her.  I don't feel like I'm betraying her trust if I tell you that she wrote about you in detail in her devotional book.  She prayed that God would allow her to find a man who loved Him with all his heart.  She wanted to marry a man who put God first, and his wife and family second.  So see, if you do exist, I can promise you this... She would have loved you with all her heart.  She would have put God first, and you and her family second.  She wanted to be an occupational therapist.  Playing soccer she got hurt and had to go through therapy herself.  Working with athletes and helping them overcome their injuries and get back on the field became her dream.

She would have done it too.  She was a very determined young lady.  She would have lived and loved, and done it all with God in the center of it all.  I believe that.  She would have been an amazing wife, because she would have waited for the special someone that God gave her.  She would have been an equally amazing mother.  Being a mother was a life-long dream and she would have been the best at loving and supporting her children.  I believe that with all my heart.

To the son-in-law I will never have.  If you exist, I am sorry that you missed out on knowing, loving and being loved by Morgan Rae McAlexander.  Sure, she has her faults.  Everyone does and she is no exception.  But she also has her strengths - love, kindness, compassion, selflessness - and when she focused on those, she was amazing.


  1. You are so right. She would have loved that perfect person just for her with everything she had amd would be an amazing mother. She loved my nieces amd nephews with all she had. I was blessed to have her call me “aunt” J. I love and miss her smile, her hugs and her so very much

    1. She loved you very much! I just remember how much fun we had that year at the beach. Such fun memories :)


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