The best of the best...

What is the best?  Well, by definition the best is.. of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality; to the highest degree; that of which is the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable.

So by definition, there doesn't have to be just one best, right?  If something/someone fits, by that definition, it is the best.  For some reason, we/our society/media - I'm not really sure - has led us to believe there can only be one best.  Wrong!

Morgan was right.  She knew that you could have many best friends.  She had a number of people in her life that unequivocally fit that definition.  (Unequivocally, def: in a way that leaves no doubt).  She loved and they loved unconditionally and were, without a doubt, best friends.

I struggle with the knowledge that people believe there can only be one.  Morgan made me see this very clearly, for I too have best friends.  I have a best friend, who lives many miles away.  I have known her and loved her since the 8th grade.  We do not talk every day, or even every week, but if I need to talk I know she is there any time, day or night.  I know, without a doubt that she is to the highest degree and of the most excellent and desirable type/quality of a friend that a person could ever want or need.  When Morgan had her accident, she was by my side in what seemed like minutes.  Living so far away, I'm not even sure how she got here as fast as she did.  On that very first night in the hospital when reality set in that my baby girl was literally fighting for her life, and that I may lose her, she was there.  She was speaking the word of God, praying, lifting me up and calming me down.  She is my best friend.

My mom is my best friend.  She and I do things together that moms and daughters enjoy doing together; talking about life experiences and sharing things that only we get to share, not only as mother and daughter, but as adults.  She understands the pain I feel in the fact that I will never experience these moments with my own adult daughter.  She is a mother of the most excellent and desirable quality, that which is the most excellent, and she is also my best friend.

I have a best friend at church.  We do talk every day (usually).  We lift each other up when we are feeling low.  We are silly together, and very serious sometimes too.  We laugh, we cry, we laugh harder, we cry harder.  I can tell her how I'm feeling and there is NO judgement and vice versa.  We can sit in the same room together, not talking and there's no awkward silence! (Usually because we're working and talking to ourselves- haha!) I enjoy her presence, her friendship, her camaraderie.  She is of the most excellent, effective and desirable quality of a friend.  She is my best friend.

None of these ladies could or would ever take the place of the other.  Each of them fill a place in my life and my heart that needs filling.  These best friends that I have are not at competition with one another.  They co-exist in my life to make it fuller and happier.  I have no idea why I shared this today, other than it was just on my heart and I started writing.

No, that isn't true.  I've been thinking about Morgan.  A lot.  Her life, her friends, her example.  I've been thinking about how she isn't here and how much I miss her.  She was my best friend.  She and I did things together that moms and daughters enjoy doing together.  We painted, we went shopping, we sat on the couch together and watched Criminal Minds.  She enjoyed spending time with her mother, and her mother LOVED spending time with her.  She was, without a doubt, of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality; to the highest degree; that of which is the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable.  My daughter, my best friend.

Several pictures of us painting together, also with friends.

Me and Morgan at the Yankees game in Houston.

One of our fun shopping trips, with Morgan being silly. :)

Me and Morgan.  Mom and daughter. Best friends. I miss you, Morgan. More than words.....


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