Carpe Diem

That's right.  We all know what it means...  SEIZE THE DAY!! ;)

Okay, yes, as young mothers running around after toddlers and running this way and that way with multiple kids in multiple sports, the last thing we wanted to hear was some "old" woman telling us to "cherish every minute with your children" or "love them while they are little, you won't get these days back."  Of course, each and every one of us have thought AT LEAST once, "thank you!"  Do you promise that when today is over, I will never, ever have to do it again?!?!?!  And, if you haven't, kudos to you, mom because you are one in a million.

Well.  Now I'm that "old" woman and I'm here to tell you to carpe diem.  I'm not going to right some long, drawn out sob story about how fast kids grow and how sad it is when they graduate, leave the nest, blah blah blah....

This is what I am going to say.  Your kids grow up fast.  Yes, I know it doesn't seem like it while you are in the midst of them growing.  But I promise you, it felt like last week, or last month, or okay, maybe last year that Kevin and I were packing up our home and moving to Arkansas with an itty, bitty 3-month-old Mason.  Now he's 25, a college graduate, living on his own, paying his own bills, being an ADULT!  What?!?!  How in the world did that happen in a year?  LOL

Three short years later, we welcomed bossy, little Morgan into our family and off to the races we went!  HAHA!  So much fun; so much laughter; so much running around; so much exhaustion...

As most/all of you know, Morgan ran ahead of us to heaven almost 5 years ago.  4 years and 10 months ago, to be almost exact.  Impossible.  I'm telling you, it still amazes me how the same event in your life can seem like yesterday and yet seem like forever ago, all at the same time...

Morgan would have turned 22 this past March 9th.  She would have graduated from UCA this year (all things going according to plan).  She would be growing up, moving out, starting a career.  Regardless, she isn't here and nothing will/can bring her back into this life as we know it.

Children grow up.  Children leave home.  This is our plan for their lives.  But you will never, ever imagine the impact that it has on your life.  You can imagine it, but it will not compare to the real thing.  So yes, I say to you - SEIZE THE DAY!  Embrace them, love them, encourage them, teach them, hold them tight... because when the time comes, you will have to let them go into the world.  You want them to know that they are loved, they are smart, they are worthy and they are always welcome home.

I have no idea if this means anything at all to anyone, but this was on my heart so this is what I shared.  I love you all so much.  I know times have been difficult with the current situation we are all facing, but seize any opportunity you have been given.  Look for any and all positive thing that can and will come out of this situation.  Spend time with your family.  Love your family.  Be close to your family.  The devil can't destroy our families if we don't let him.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this Carla! You hit the nail on the head!!! It goes by so fast. In a blink of an eye. And one reason why I feel that it does because we as moms are in every moment in our kids lives. Every day we run alongside them for every step, every challenge, every win and every defeat in life! We laugh with them, cry with them, celebrate them and snuggle them (when they let us)! And then we wake up one morning and they are grown up! It’s so crazy how fast it happens. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day Carla! Love you friend! 🥰

    1. Thank you, Lori. It is a hard day, for sure. I love you, too! Happy Mother's Day! :)


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