It's good. It's Goooood!!!

Listen.  God is good.  He's gooood!  Okay, if you don't know what I'm talking about, watch Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty.  Is that movie exactly the truth about God and how he works, maybe not.  But it's good, it's funny and it has a lot of good lessons.  Especially how to say "it's goooood!"  Haha.  Seriously though.  God is good.  All the time.  And it's not easy for me to say that, so listen up.

Life is hard.  I've said that before and I'm going to say it again.  LIFE IS HARD.  Life is not perfect.  For anyone.  If you think life is perfect for someone out there, you don't know them.  You might think you know them, but you don't.  Life isn't perfect for everyone, all the time.  I promise.  A lot of people hide their problems and their pain.  So please do not judge anyone because you do not know what they have going on in their private lives.

Everyone has something going on.  You may not think it equals what you have going on in your life, but it is their pain.  It is their problem.  It is their burden.  It is their grief.  We each face our own demons and that can weigh us down, terribly.  Be nice to each other.  I was talking to a very sweet, new friend this morning and life is so very short.  I know I had to let my sweet Morgan go, and I say that emotionally, as well as physically, because I had to be mentally prepared to say, "Ok God, your will be done.  My heart is prepared for what my head already knows.  She is your child and unto you, I release my will."  I did that, knowing my child was moving on from this life.  I was not prepared.  Maybe I thought I was in that moment, but you cannot be prepared for something like that.  Ever.  Yes, I was angry.  Yes, I blamed God.  Yes, yes and yes to all those other things.  But Praise God, I also love God and know his promises and because I know He is good and He loves his children, I didn't stay there.  Sure, I have my moments.  Anger will come and go; disappointment, questions, and those feelings will flash into my life from time to time.  The first time my doctor told me that I was just going to have to "pull yourself up by the bootstraps," well let me tell you what I wanted to do with those bootstraps!  But I love that man and he is an excellent doctor, and he loves me and my family enough to tell me that.  He didn't tell me to "just get over it" or "you need to move on" but he did tell me to keep living.  Does it take time, yes!  Of course, it does!  There is no time limit for grief and I will grieve Morgan for the rest of life, that's not what I'm saying.  I'm saying that GOD IS GOOD!  I'm saying that we cannot praise him when all the good stuff is "gooood," and banish him from our lives when the bad stuff happens!

Hebrews 13:14- This world is not our home! We are looking for our everlasting home in heaven!

Friends, God created us to live in this world but it is not our forever home, amen!  We are just here for a short period of time.  I have known this my whole life, but July 3, 2015 changed me.  Changed me for the better!  This is urgent!  We have decisions to make for our future, and I'm not talking about your 5-year plan or 10-year plan.  Friend, I'm talking about your eternity-plan.  Do you have an eternity-plan?  God is good, yes.  But he is a fair and righteous God.  I was reminded of something several weeks ago.  I was watching a program on TV, and I've heard people ask this my whole life.  "If your God is so loving, forgiving and full of mercy, why would he send me to hell?"  If you have ever said it, wondered it, or been asked it, here is your answer.  God IS loving, forgiving and FULL of mercy.  He loves you, He created you for His Glory and wants nothing less for you than peace, love and happiness. :)  But, He also gave you this thing called "free will."  You choose.  You freely accept salvation.  Or you deny it, plain and simple.  God doesn't send you anywhere.  Bottom line.

Joshua 24 (and I'm paraphrasing) says "If you do not desire to serve the Lord, then choose for yourself today whom you will serve, whether it's the gods of your ancestors or the gods of the Amorites...  But, as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

This is years after Moses has taken the Israelites out of Egypt and they have wandered around in the desert.  Now, if you don't know this story, I'll recap.  They were angry.  They blamed God for not having food, water, money etc.  Oh yes, they praised him when things were good.  But, you guessed it, they blamed him when things were bad.  And God punished them because of their grumblings.  Don't be these people.  Please learn something from the Israelites!  So this is after Aaron and Moses had both died and Joshua was leading the people.  He was fed up and basically said, you go your way but I'm going mine!  Free will!  But as for me and my household, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!

I know there are people lost and hurting; searching, trying to fill a space, an empty need.  I know there people just wanting to be loved.  Maybe it's you.  Maybe it's someone in your life.  We all have someone.  Please, let me pray for you, or with you.  You can send me a comment, or if it's too personal, you can send me a private message.  I want to help you and anyone you care about.  We are all in this together, we are the family of God.  Love you all!!

I thought I would paste some oldie but goodies!  Morgan loved her family and she ADORED her brother!! :) <3

The day we dropped Mason off at college!

My beautiful, amazing children- love them so much! (yes, I'm that mom!)

I love the look on Morgan's face!!!!

And if you want to watch the "It's Gooood" video, it's here :)


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