Back to Life. Back to Reality.

I would like to continue where I left off with you on November 28th.  Before the holidays, I was telling you about our journey with Morgan.  She had spent from December 11-December 31, 2014 in the PICU at Children's, at which time they moved us onto the Rehab floor because she no longer needed breathing assistance.  She had spent from January 1 through March 2015 on the Rehab floor at Children's Hospital.  As you can imagine, this had become my home away from home.  I had quit my job at Conway Regional to become a full-time mother, caregiver, overseer, whatever you want to call it, for Morgan.  Kevin had gone back to work, but he was still around a lot.  I thank God every single day for my wonderful parents, who were able to come and sit with Morgan.  They had both just retired and were able to dedicate a lot of their time to both of us.  I cannot name every person who came to visit, but there wasn't a single week that we didn't have at least one person from our family, church family, soccer friends, someone that didn't stop by to see Morgan.  What a blessing!!!  I know that seeing Morgan as not herself was difficult.  I know seeing her lying there in that hospital bed, not smiling her usual smile, not laughing her boisterous laugh, not talking 90-to-nothing, was DIFFICULT at best.  Let me tell you what warmed my heart.  Her friends would walk in that room and they would hold her hands; they would talk to her, tell her what was going on at school, or with soccer, or with life, and treat her like Morgan.  Yes, for some it was harder than others.   But they came in there and put on a strong, bold face and treated her like the Morgan she was to them.  Their friend.  That was the most a mother could have ever asked for in that situation.  They loved on her and I love all of them for that.  I believe her recovery could have been very different if Morgan had not had all that love and support.  She saw it and she felt it.  I believe that 100 percent!

Of course, the time came when insurance would no longer allow us to stay at ACH.  What Morgan needed was long-term care, and they were not considered a long-term care facility.  We were set to be discharged home and were on the hunt to find Morgan long-term care.  They were preparing us for home, teaching us how to care for her, how to administer food, medicine, move her, give her baths, etc.  I do not remember asking myself, "Can I do this?"  I just remember thinking how wonderful it would be to have her home.  Here.  In this place where she belongs.  I remember thinking how wonderful it would be just to sit on the couch with her again, watching TV.  Watching Criminal Minds together.  It didn't matter if she couldn't talk to me, or laugh with me - that would come.  What mattered was having her in this place.  Where she belonged.  Surrounded by familiar.  Her cat.  Her dog.  People and pets who love her and make her smile.  I just wanted to come home with her.  WITH her.  I wanted her to come home WITH me.  Or, to find a better place for her.  A place that could make her better, if we could find a place that would work with her long-term.  We were searching and praying for God's will.  God has a special place in Atlanta, GA with lots of his angels working as staff members.  It's called The Shepherd Center.

Her O'hana (Conway HS) and LR Football Club soccer teams were both so supportive.  They were always there for her, loving on her and letting her know she was missed!

Abby and Lexi

More friends at her 17th birthday party!

Officer Canady - she loved him and we were honored when he came to visit!

So many came to help us celebrate her 17th birthday - so much love and so blessed!

More soccer family surrounding her with love!!


Always a cousin or two....

ACH threw Morgan a little going away party when we left!!  So sweet, and these are all the precious people that came to bid her farewell and good luck!!!  We love ACH!!!!



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