How long, Lord?

Have you ever asked "Why, Lord?" or "How long, oh Lord?"  Of course you have!  I have, and unless you have lived in a sheltered bubble your whole life, I'm pretty sure you have asked those same questions.  Struggles and disappointments are a part of life.  But just as real as the struggles and disappointments of life, so are the blessings.  Along with a couple of very good friends, I have been on a Bible reading journey that has taken me into the scriptures like never before.  Yes, I have read my Bible before.  Yes, I have read devotionals and I have done Bible studies before, but there is something different about the insights that this particular devotionalist shares.  When I am reading his devotionals, I get a clear sense that he knows what he knows from experience.  I get a sense of something personal in his writings.  So he asked the question, Have you found yourself wondering "How long, O Lord?"  Yes, I have.  How long will we have these financial difficulties?  How long will these health issues persist?  How long will the difficulties in this relationship last?  How long must I pray for the salvation of my loved one?  How long will I struggle with this addiction?  How long will it take me to get over this loss?  I'm sure some of these questions will hit very close to home for some of you, as they do for me.

1. Keep praying. 2. Keep trusting. 3. Keep rejoicing. 4. Keep worshipping.  (I know, I know... easier said than done!  Remember, I've been there!!)   We have been reading in Genesis about the story of Joseph.  He was sold into slavery by his own brothers who hated him.  For him, that did not look like God's plan for his life.  But he kept praying and kept trusting in the Lord.  We see as we read through Genesis that he was good for a while, living in Potiphar's house, but then thrown into prison for something he did not do.  After many years, and lots of praying, trusting and worshipping on Joseph's part, he was made great again.  This was God's plan, but it took over 20 years for Joseph to realize it.  Jacob had been crying out for his lost son for 20 years, "How long, O Lord?" as his heart grieved.  When Joseph was reunited with his brothers, there was hugging and crying and rejoicing.  But first, there was a lot of forgiveness.  Would you forgive your brothers?  Would you be able to see past all the evil and wickedness they had done in order to see that God's plan had prevailed?  Would Joseph's  father trade a life with Joseph for 20 years of grieving, if it changed what Joseph had been able to accomplish through serving the Lord?

If you follow Morgan's memory page on Facebook, then you saw the post that Kevin made about the 2015 top stories on  They did a follow-up story after Morgan made her final journey home.  He had not realized it at the time (nor had I), and pondered that with mixed emotions.  It quoted our post on July 2nd, part of which said "while we serve a mighty God and we continue to praise Him for the blessings he has bestowed upon us,"  (we were praising God and worshipping).  We went on to say that unless God intervenes in a supernatural way (as we know he can) - we were still praying and trusting!!!  We never lost hope; but we had given God the glory and said Your will be done.  As I read the article (through tears), I'm so thankful for the person that Morgan was during her life, allowing God to use her and shine His light through her.  The article said "a flood of messages followed wishing farewell to a girl often referred to as an angel."  "Heaven is a little brighter today because Morgan has arrived."  What a blessing!  So how long?  I don't know.  I don't know why and I don't know when you will see the answer, but I know you can keep praying, keep trusting, keep rejoicing and keep worshipping!

P.S. If apologies are necessary, then I apologize.  I feel like this post is scattered, and maybe it is a little.  Maybe my thoughts are scattered.  This is what was on my heart and I just write from my heart and what's on my mind. I love you all.  May God bless you richly.

Psalm 13:5 - But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

Psalm 9:9 - The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

I absolutely love this picture.  She was Cat in the Hat for a tap dance routine.  It really shows her personality! My sassy little Morgan...

Morgan's school picture, Jr. Year

Picture they used for article, kissing a fish! Makes me smile!


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