Morgan's Stocking

Life. Tragedy. Memories. Christmas. Hope.  I cannot think of just one word when I think about this post.  It has been a little while since my last one, and I have been debating and considering this one very carefully.  Tuesday is December 11th and some of you know that Morgan had her car accident on December 11, 2014.  Yes, what a difficult day for us as the memories come flooding into our lives.  Yes, that day, that afternoon, that moment changed our lives in a way that we could have never imagined.  But, I do not want to tell you the details of that day.  I want to honor Morgan for how she lived her life.  Morgan was a lot of things.  She was smart, athletic, loving, caring, beautiful, friendly, compassionate, funny, sensitive, kind.  Morgan was also a teenager, and she was not perfect.  But Morgan loved the Lord and she did try to do her part to spread His love.  She was a very giving person.  A couple of weeks ago, someone asked me a question.

What was something Morgan loved most about Christmas?  I'm not sure there was just one thing but as I began sharing memories, I started smiling and laughing and remembering all the wonderful things that Morgan loved about this holiday.  For starters, she loved shopping and buying gifts for everyone!  I remember Kevin telling her that we would go broke and she absolutely could not buy gifts for everyone she knew.  She would have to pick one or two of her best friends to buy gifts for, and this was simply impossible for Morgan.  She loved helping me shop for her cousins, her brother, her dad - just everyone!  Then it came time for wrapping all those gifts, and she enjoyed that immensely!!!  Even gifts for her and Mason, if I could put it into a discreet box, she would wrap those too!  She and I would sit in the living room and wrap all the gifts together.  And BOWS!!  She loved bows, and would make sure that all the presents had bows on them!  haha!  That girl, what a smile!  Of course, like all kids and teenagers, she enjoyed opening the gifts on Christmas morning.  What I remember most about Morgan is her excitement.  Ever since she was a tiny human, every gift was opened with pure joy, and every single gift was "just what I wanted" with cheers and smiles.  Of course, the stockings were always first.  Kevin and I would find simple, small gifts for the stockings and fill them with the kids' favorite kind of candies.  For Morgan, that usually meant Swedish Fish and Twizzlers!

The seven months that Morgan was in the hospital, and we were living in the hospital, I wasn't working, we were living in Atlanta away from Mason, learning how to care for Morgan when/if she came home, Kevin and I were exhausted.  Kevin was still working.  We were overwhelmed by the love that people showed us by visiting, calling, paying bills, mowing our lawn, donating money, etc.  Morgan was in Arkansas Children's Hospital over Christmas.  That was especially difficult for me, and after she passed away, obviously holidays can be beyond horrible.  We have friends and families in our church family/community who are facing difficult situations this holiday season.  A father/son
who is recovering and in therapy, a child going through cancer treatment, people in the hospital, etc.  As a way of honoring Morgan's giving spirit and also celebrate God's love and the greatest gift of salvation, Kevin and I have set up Fill Morgan's Stocking.  We would like to literally fill Morgan's stocking with gift cards that can be given to help these local families through the season.  It can be Visa, Wal-Mart, Target, places to eat, Amazon to buy gifts - anything will help them. I know from experience that they will be blessed beyond words, and by giving, you will be blessed beyond measure.   You can bring them to me personally, or mail them to 2665 Forest View, Conway, AR 72034.  You can message either one of us if you have any questions.  This is very near and dear to our hearts and we love you all!

For our family to yours, please keep us close in your thoughts and say a prayer for us as we approach the day that changed our lives forever.  While I fully believe in the sovereignty of God, and have complete faith that only He knows why things happen, and I know without a doubt that Morgan is with him, safe in the arms of her Lord, I miss her and my heart aches deeply to hold her in my arms.  That will never change.  I physically miss being her mother.  Here. Now.

Photo- Morgan's Christmas Tree at ACH


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