Therapy.  Morgan had now been moved to the 5th floor of Arkansas Children’s Hospital- the Rehab Floor.  They did not waste any time getting her started on therapy.  We even had some 4-legged furry visitors.  I think those were Morgan’s favorite.  We even took our family pet, Sooie up to the hospital a couple of times to see Morgan.  Although we had to take Morgan out to the parking lot, I was very happy for the reunion.  She didn’t seem to have much recognition the first visit, but I think there might have been a little more the second time.  J  I will admit, I had waited so long for Morgan to open her eyes, that when she finally did I was a little disappointed.  There was nothing there.  They were her eyes, but the spark wasn’t there.  The light from within her spirit just wasn’t shining through her eyes.  They were so blank that it broke my heart.  She wasn’t a vegetable, for which I was so grateful, but she wasn’t our Morgan either.  We knew she would never be our Morgan, as we knew her again, but we were willing and ready to work as hard as we had to in order for her to be as much as she could be.  Morgan had full movement of her extremities, but her brain just wouldn’t allow them to work the way they needed to work.  You know, she was like an infant, who had to learn everything all over again.  There was speech therapy, which included looking at and trying to identify objects and pictures.  We were encouraged to bring pictures of family and friends to help her identify with people she knew and loved.  She couldn’t eat, so they started swallow testing with things like pudding and applesauce.  Then the hard stuff, standing and helping her walk, telling her to kick the soccer ball, working on her leg muscles and her neck muscles so she could hold up her head. I will never forget the sounds of cheering that day when Morgan was just propped up on her elbows holding her head up by herself.  Everyone was so proud of her!!!   Baby steps.  One day at a time.  Sweet Jesus.  Just give me the strength to do every day what I have to do.  Yesterday’s gone.  Tomorrow may never be mine.  Lord, help me today, show me the way. One day at a time.  God was providing me with the strength to just get through one day.  “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Matthew 6:34  I really learned what that meant as we spent days, weeks, months at the hospital watching Morgan go through therapy.  Small victories, big victories, baby steps, giant steps.  Kicking a soccer ball.  We had such an amazing therapy team – Kristi, Frank and Ella.  There were so many others.  Our PICU nurses – these angels on earth.  We will never forget these wonderful people at ACH who became part of our family for a time.  So many, who had never met Morgan before the accident, but felt drawn to her – to her sweet spirit, and loved her so much!  As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart is overwhelmed again with feelings of how thankful I am for everyone who prayed, visited, gave us gifts of selflessness to help us through this season of our lives.  There are too many to name, and I’m afraid if I did, I would leave someone out.  People who paid bills for us, people who cut our lawn for free, people who came and cut Morgan’s hair, or painted her nails, people who just called or visited at that moment when we needed it the most.  You know who you are and we love you all so much!

Photo #1- Thanksgiving picture Morgan and I painted together

Photo #2 - Morgan visiting with Sooie

Photo #3 - Morgan holding her head up!!!

Photo #4 - Morgan kicking that soccer ball!!!


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