Healing.  The doctors told us that Morgan’s brain would not heal; it was too damaged.  When part of the brain is damaged, other parts will compensate and help and some of what was damaged can re-engineer itself.  I’m sure those are not the technical terms they used, but you get the idea.  But Morgan’s brain was damaged all over.   There was no hope.  I have to admit, they did not sugar coat anything.  But I wanted to know the truth, and that is exactly what they gave us.  Morgan would probably never come off the ventilator; she most likely would be in a vegetative state; she may not even open her eyes.  This was my reality.  In a matter of minutes on that Thursday afternoon, my world was shattered.  My beautiful, then 16-year-old daughter was lying there, hooked up to countless machines, and the doctors were giving her no hope of regaining any semblance of life as we knew it with Morgan.  Our Morgan.  Morgan’s life verse – Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!   And she must have felt the strength of her Christ in those weeks that she laid there because she did come off the ventilator; she did open her eyes!  She did move her extremities, and she was not in a vegetative state!  Praise the Lord!  Let me tell you something.  Not only did Morgan come off the ventilator, she did it the very first time, during what they called a “vent test,” when they expected nothing more than to see how much she could breathe on her own – IF she could breathe on her own.  And they fully expected to immediately have to put her back on the ventilator.  But she showed those doctors a thing or two!  She breathed on her own with minimal oxygen support and she stayed off the ventilator.  I remember the doctors and nurses standing around, really not knowing what to do, not knowing what to think.  One of the doctors actually said, “I don’t know what to say.”  I did.  God is good.  God is big.  God is greater than any obstacle this world has to offer.  Once Morgan was off the ventilator, they were ready to move us out of the PICU!  We still knew that her brain may not be able to heal itself, but we also knew that God was at work in her life and that He could do anything.  God had already showed himself in that hospital room and he was not finished! 


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